Hi, I’m Dani.
A Personal, Relationship & Family Coach based in Oakland, California.
Your Oxygen Mask, was created to unleash your power for self-care, self-awareness & self-acknowledgement. With these powers, you can invest in your life and accomplish aspirations . My vision is to share the value and importance of putting on your oxygen mask first. And in finding Your Oxygen Mask, you will open up a world of possibilities and the ability to walk the world with clear visions and ultimate success.
My Message to you…
As your coach, I hold possibility and curiosity as a basis for a more fulfilled life. I believe that it is fundamental that people are given the opportunity to discover and develop their own visions and live in their existent greatness. This coaching journey is set up to support you to unlock your desires and understand your restraints. Developing a greater understanding of your saboteurs and learning tools to acknowledge them. Making space for choosing your sage perspective can unlock places of ritual behavior that may not be supporting your growth. Understanding these parts of you can create a new trust in yourself and will open doors with clarity and confidence.
Our partnership is designed to support you in your process and help uncover strategy. Together, we will create a space for activating desires, living in conscious choice and design actions in order to live a most fulfilled and balanced life.

If our aim is to wake up for the benefit of ourselves and other living beings, then it’s necessary for us to change. . . . challenging times give us the greatest opportunity for change. Every time we catch ourselves going down the rut of a habitual reaction, we have a chance to interrupt the momentum and discover a whole new direction and depth to our life.
– Pema Chodron